Monday, September 28, 2015

The Poet Kneads the Pain...

inconsolably I weep 
for the death of 
the wonder twins....

 for the fading rainbo.... 

even through all the shit and the pain, 

the whole world would right itself when we made peace again... 

war is a part of life... 
and our world, with war is rife... 
when we were doing good, however briefly, 
the whole universe was in order... 

a chaotic order... 

and then sometimes, a monsoon.... 
but calm again came... 
and softer was the rain... 

and it was always you..
always you... 
and me... 

and now that journey is through... 

and I cry... 
oh how I cry... 

the tears of a thousand lives lived together.... 
a thousand deaths died alone... 
a thousand chances to atone... 
maybe the in next one we'll do better... 


Tuesday, September 8, 2015


and yet... now.. in this moment.. 
i find myself missing you... will it ever stop??
will i ever get to the point that you are at? 
at being so certain this is what we should be doing? 
at being so certain we should no longer be?
i miss our love 
I miss it so much...
I don't miss the hate
or the lies 
or the secrets
or the pain... 
but I miss... 
you and me... 
every song i hear reminds me of  you
every book on every shelf in this room...
every moment of every day... 
I miss... 
i will always love you... 
even if it was never meant for forever... 
I don't want another ... 
I have always just wanted YOU...
 the best version of you...
 to love me always... and to treasure me... 
because you are the only one who ever did... 
and then... 
 we both lost sight of the gift we had in the both of us...
