Saturday, February 7, 2015

Image on the Inside

I wish my brainwaves could be photocopied
Or shot on super-hyper-ultra sensitive film
So I could record and playback for you
What it is that I see behind closed eyes
So you would know, So I'D know
What my thoughts were saying

So you could know the beautiful
The heart-wrenching and wild
So quick and complete they are
These images in my mind's eye
Glowing, because I cannot speak
But I'm hoping you'll catch on

I can't open my eyes to write it down
For fear of the thoughts escaping
Into my beyond to become a memory
I can see into eternity, the universe contained
The walls move in on me sometimes
Makes it rather hard to breathe

I'd like to know what it's like to be me
To share the view from another's eye
All the scenes I have seen
Behind the retinal screens
Alas, technology does not permit
So the tears take it all back in and away..


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