Saturday, February 7, 2015


It was time for a change, time for a break
Time for new scenery, a new life to make
When Mom's Gran got sick it gave her a reason
To pack up us kids and flee the winter season

Dad stayed behind to close the old house down
And plan the next move, back to Mom's hometown
We'd all meet back up and start life again
Broken family made whole...Then the shit hit the fan...

It started in Georgia, courtesy of the friggin' CDC
A pandemic flowed like wildfire from sea to shining sea

Half the neighbors made zombies with jello for brains
A mutated virus spread from mountains to plains

Two blood types were immune, and avoided the flu
Madcow crossed with Bacillicus, a disease motley crew
Communications cut off, to caveman status we all went
And the looters made sure the food supply was spent

A new plan now: Come hell or high water we've gotta find Dad
Just head to our new home, even if we went mad
The weapons stores were raided but we got lucky
A few kitanas, a bow and arrows, a dog named Bucky

We drove all night, ran outta gas out and found a ranch
The virus had spared it, its horses and the owner Blanche
She offered us food and three horses, t'was truly a godsend
As the roads were packed, blood stained cars sat abandoned

She was staying, "Zombies won't get my ranch without a fight!"
We took to the woods and watched after her, safely out of sight
It was just after dusk when the first Heifer Heads came
Before she succumbed a bunch she did maim

On the backs of our new family of steeds we fled
Rode on towards Papa, just like we had said
Mom had a knack of the map reading kind
A safe path through the forest she did find

We rode for two weeks keeping hope in our hearts
That Dad was there waiting with all of his parts
We fought off some Heifer Heads along the way
Mom's strengthn was amazing I really must say

With kitana ablaze her loving protection was fierce
A raging resolve that no zombie could pierce
She took on the name of the Hindi goddess Kali
The deity of motherhood and war was her ally

Bucky  helped us to hunt which kept us from starving
With birch trees spears my big brother was carving
When we finally made it to Mom's hometown
It was eerie and silent, there was no one around

We went to the theater for shelter and there we did wait
It was where Mom and Dad had had their first date
"If he made it", she said,"he'll find his way here"
She helped us relax and tempered the fear

We barred the doors and gave it the all clear
Bucky and Marlo kept watch, I was the ear
Mom fashioned us blankets from the movie screen curtain
And pillows she made from the movie seat cushions

Just after midnight we heard a loud banging noise
And through the front doors a familiar voice
My Dad was outside, free of the virus and alive
Into each others arms, weeping, my parents did dive

Our family was safe, as much as survivors of this could be
In the midst of such horrors together we could feel only glee
Our family was safe, back together once more
Just in time to battle the dread Heifer Hoards


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