Saturday, February 7, 2015


I have returned to river of the land of my birth

The river, she sings to me

The trees along the shore comfort me
The hawk and the heron call to me
Looking down the river is like a look through time
History has not touched the banks much

I have forgotten how to BE me
For so long I have been me, but not ME
What was ME like?
What did ME like?
Who did ME like?

Me liked to dance to laugh to love
Me liked to sing, to kiss, to fly
Me loved the world, the all
Me loved YOU

Me had thoughts and dreams
and a need to be noticed...
Noticed, and LOVED
Loved completely, without question or judgment

Me has been hurt and has felt left behind
Me got lost in a new world, a world brought to life
By the body that is ME
A world that began as love, but devolved, no longer compatible
With me

So ME retreated into the shadows
In the shadows ME stayed until ME saw the light
It will take time to BE me again...
ME never really left though and ME will NEVER give up

The game changes and some things stay the same
That part of me that has been will always be a part of ME
But I am going to find out, once again, how to be THE me


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